City Runs
Next Race: 27/09/2024
Exeter Arena, Exhibition Field, Summer Ln, Exeter EX4 8NT
Next Race: 27/09/2024
Exeter Arena, Exhibition Field, Summer Ln, Exeter EX4 8NT
⬡ Seeded 3km Track Races & Under 13&11 Mile Races at Exeter Arena Athletics Stadium
⬡ Graded races suitable for all abilities in a safe traffic free environment.
7.15pm - Under 11 & Unbder 13 Boys and Girls 1 mile race
7.30pm - "Try The Track 3k Race" For people who have never run on the track before or are new to running, or just want to run in this race! This race will be for people of 15min (approximately) and above, depending on entries
7.55pm - Seeded 3k Races - going from slowest to fastest.
⬡ 3k Race Limit: 100